Xmas Greeting Card Hints & Solution

You can find the hints and solution below.
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Did you notice the text in the card has some special symbols?

Have you tried to figure out what each symbol means? Perhaps trying to read out the actual text will give you that.

If you try to read the text, you should find it says:

We wish you and your family
cheerful holidays, a tremendously
prosperous New Year and...

Can you use this to figure out what the symbols mean?

Have you tried to associate symbols to the actual letter in the text:

We wish you and your family
cheerful holidays, a tremendously
prosperous New Year and...

For each symbol, you should find a corresponding character.

Did you notice the four symbols on the bulbs below the message? Do these appear anywhere else?

The symbols from the bulbs also appear around the wheel on the left of the greeting card. There is even an arrow on the wheel, which moves. Have you tried to move it and see what happens?

If you spin the wheel to point at one of the symbols from the bulb (e.g. tree), symbols from the message appear in the cutouts. How can you figure you which symbols from the cutouts are relevant?

Did you notice that the cutouts also have the same shapes as the symbols on the bulbs and around the wheels? What happens if you pick only those symbols that appear in the cutout for the shape that the wheel points to?

When the wheel points to the tree, you should see four symbols:

Picking symbols from cutouts for each of the bulb symbols you should get:

How can you translate these symbols?

You already found the translations for these symbols from Hint 5:

Show Explanation
The are symbols embedded within the text of the greeting card:

If you read the message out loud, you can easily tell that it should read:

We wish you and your family
cheerful holidays, a tremendously
prosperous New Year and…

Using this, you can associate a letter with each symbol in the text:

There are also some symbols on the bulbs below the text:

These same symbols appear around the wheel on the left of the greeting card. The wheel also moves and has an arrow on it.

If you move the wheel, such that it points to one of the symbols from the bulb, then the symbols from the text appear inside cutouts which have the same shapes as the symbols on the bulbs. Doing this for each symbol, in order, gives you these results:

Now, you can use the translation of the symbols from before to complete the message.

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The solution is: hope your wishes come true.

So the full message is:

We wish you and your family
cheerful holidays, a tremendously
prosperous New year and…
hope your wishes come true.