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You’ve scoured over all the documents. Looked at his computer and yet there is no clarity on where the professor might have gone to. There is only one thing in this room that you’ve not examined closely. Any additional information about where the professor is, must lie in the safe mounted into the wall in his office.

You smile at the old safe built into the wall, guarded by a shiny rotary lock. Having learnt a bit about the professor now, you feel that this almost outdated device fits Prof. McEwan’s profile like a glove.

Examining the safe closely you figure out that it takes a 3 number combination. You even have a hunch on what these might be.

Office Safe

Were there any documents or puzzles that hint towards a safe?

You found some documents on the computer. Could these be tied to the safe in someway?

The research group mentioned that the Professor is obsessed with organizing things using DOI numbers.

The research papers all have DOI numbers on them. Do these link up with something?

Can you decipher the meaning of the three columns next to the DOI numbers on the computers? Surely these link to research papers in some way.

Maybe the numbers allude to a pattern like pointing to the page, line and so on.

The three columns represent a book cipher: first number is for the page, second is the line on that page and last is the number of letter in the line. Please note, that EVERY line that has writing on it on the page (header, footer, title, etc.) is counted.

Found some numbers now? Great. You should already know the order from the computer. See if you can open the safe with the numbers.

zero – three – seven ==> 037